Thursday, September 17, 2009

A View of Park View

When the Park View Little League of Chula Vista – also known as the Little League World Series Champions – got the red carpet, VIP, pull out all the stops behind the scenes tour and experience at Petco Park with the Padres, it was really a kick to watch them taking it all in. I went down to the field that Saturday really to just meet the coach and the kids because I’m planning to do a special edition of One on One featuring them and their story. As I talked with some of the young champions, Kiko Garcia said, great, but it’s really going to be a “One on Twelve!” Kiko’s right and it’ll be a challenge, but well worth it as I think we all want to celebrate not only their achievement, but the hard work, focus and great example they set for other kids who have a dream, too. Ric Ramirez, the coach and father of Luke, was just in awe of what these boys were experiencing that day at Petco Park. As Luke was playing catch with Adrian Gonzalez, he said, oh, I hope someone’s taking a picture of that. I happen to have my camera and my flip video camera, and started snapping and rolling. More to come on these youngsters this winter and spring. For now, enjoy a little of that day from my viewpoint.

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