Friday, April 3, 2009

Venable: Sounds like…

The dictionary says: “venerable” refers to someone who commands respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, as because of high office or noble character: a venerable member of Congress.

Will Venable isn’t old and doesn’t hold a high office. He’s young and on the move. But considering the words sound alike, I thought I’d just double check the meaning in the dictionary. So, now you know.

As one of my trio for the season debut of One on One, I had to really coordinate to catch up with Will. He was playing winter ball in the Caribbean and had plans to be out of state after the holidays, so his time at home in the bay area was pretty tight. Plus, turned out he was having his wisdom teeth removed the Monday he was home in between trips and his mom was having dental surgery too! So, looking at the calendar, the only time we could go there while he was there and no one had Novocain residuals, was Sunday January 5th. I got the okay to travel, and Dan Roper and I headed north that Sunday morning.

Just when you think you’ll have plenty of time, our plane was delayed because there was ice on the wings of planes at the Oakland airport! Brrr. So, just a few hours behind, we got the rental car, grabbed a sandwich in San Rafael, and then met up with Will and his parents Max and Molly at their very cool bungalow house in town.

To make sure we did the outside stuff while it was still light, we caravanned to his little league field, then the high school, through town and back to the house. Shooting them playing catch, reminiscing about the impact of events at these places. With a fire in the fireplace, and a few Christmas decorations up, we had a nice interview and I learned, at the end, that he was an artist. It explains, in part, his low-key personality and gentle soul. That didn’t come out, though, until almost the end of the interview when I asked what else he liked to do. It was a little of an “ah, I get it” moment for me. And it helped me “paint his portrait.”

At spring training, we spent some time with Will who drew for our benefit, so we could capture that artistic side of him. You’ll see plenty of great pictures from the family scrapbook, video from when he played at Princeton, and hear from his parents who have some great insight, of course.

Will didn’t make the Opening Day roster in 2009. He’ll start in Triple A. But the Padres have no doubt they’ll find a way for him to roam the outfield. He’s a good kid, and I know you’ll enjoy getting to know him One on One.

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