Monday, December 15, 2008

Matt Wilhelm: Wind him up and Watch him Go!

Another new One on One debuts Sunday December 21st at 4:30 and 7:30. Here’s a little back story to the show.

Okay, Matt Wilhelm is tall, fit, and let’s just admit it, has those marquis good looks. His wife Vanessa even says he’s handsome in the interview. So, I’m just reporting the facts! Better yet, though, he is just a nice guy. It’s so refreshing to meet yet another confident but not cocky kind of guy. He was a huge star at Ohio State, then had to start over with the Chargers as a 4th round draft pick…waiting five years to start.

I formally introduced myself to Matt after Chargers practice one day and he was very excited and appreciative of my asking if we could do a One on One feature on him. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be part of a show, or a whole half-hour. But after I did the interview with him, his wife, spent time in their home, saw their game room and his office – my goodness, I knew we had enough for a whole show on him. And so it was!

I love how every person I meet is different. Some are low-key. Others high strung. Some are a bit more cautious or deliberate in what they say. Still others can go on forever. Matt was the perfect combination of articulate, energetic, sincere and thoughtful. He does have the gift of gab – which explains why he was a communications major at Ohio State and would likely be great at broadcasting when he gets out of the game.

And talk about a stylish and smart wife. Vanessa was an integrated language arts major at Kent State. But, she’s really found her calling when it comes to home décor and design. We didn’t get into it too much in the show, but she tells me she’s helping other players’ wives with some design tips. I think I’ll invite her to my house!

You know I am always up for a little challenge – even though I’m not the athlete. So, I battle with Matt in foose ball. Well, I scored once. But helped him score too. Good thing we didn’t have time to show it all. I am not very good.

The other pictures you’re seeing here are from the day I went to the elementary school where he was doing his Pyramid talk about eating well. Turns out we couldn’t use all the interviews of the kids. But, these pictures are of me “in action.” Kids are always fun. Wait until you hear from one of the girls. At 10 years old, she already is astute and perceptive. I’m sure Matt and Vanessa will enjoy knowing they really are making an impact.

Thanks for watching!

Fun One on One Pair: Eric Weddle and Jacques Cesaire

There’s a new edition of One on One playing right now featuring Eric Weddle and Jacques Cesaire. They’re such different guys in many ways – their size, backgrounds and way they express themselves. But each of their stories is interesting and worth putting in the spotlight.
When I mention the name Eric Weddle around town, Chargers fans are quick to say they love watching him and are curious about him. So were we. I didn’t know much about him because he’s just a second year Charger. But that’s what’s fun for me, too. Sitting down and hearing him talk about his life, influences, challenges and successes.
He and his wife Chanel are very nice, low-key, accommodating people. Our crew arrived at their modest, rural home to set up in their spacious but sparse house. Two game balls were just about all the decorations they have in their living room, as you’ll see on the show.
But their family room is filled with pictures and words of faith. They’re humble and appreciative and you can sense that just being around them. Their baby of course is adorable. She was quiet during the whole interview and then she entered the picture, so to speak, at the end when we interviewed Eric with Chanel. The baby loved the microphone, of course.
It’s one thing to interview Eric about how he prepares. Quite another to sit in the room at the Chargers facility and “watch” him work. It’s the side of these guys you don’t usually see. Watching film. Coming up with a system of red and black ink to study, study, study all week long? It’s tedious. Sure, they get paid a lot to do that work. But I still think it’s admirable to see how studious many are… including Eric. We were there with him about a half hour. We boiled it down in the writing and editing process to less than 2 minutes. That’s what we do in order to get as much of his story in the show.
I first met Jacques Cesaire (SEE-zaire) at the end of last season. What a big, booming personality and a loveable guy. And to think, he’s a self-professed band geek! I had heard through the Chargers grapevine (my sources are very helpful!) that Jacques was taking piano lessons. So, that turned out to be a different way of revealing who he is and his “beat.” He’s a beginner, but it was good of him to let us show him in the infancy of his long-awaited piano lessons.
Speaking of infancy, Jacques and his adorable, tiny (just 5 feet tall) wife Jill are now expecting a baby! They are quite the pair with a great sense of humor and just seem to adore each other. They call each other their BFF “Best Friends Forever.”
They don’t have a name for their baby girl yet. They’re open to suggestions. I figured it should start with a “J.” How about “Jane?” They’ll get back to me on that.
Anyhow – you’ll love both these guys and their wives.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Swinging - sort of -- with a Pro!

Tuesday November 18th an all new One on One debuts @ 6:30 on Channel 4… right before the live USD basketball game. Great time and place, as there are two USD connections: Tina Mickelson, the star of this edition, is a USD grad. And her brother Tim, also featured, is the USD Golf coach! Oh, and their brother Phil is part of a very special part – an interview with the three Mickelson siblings. More on that on my previous blog entry.

This entry is, once again, a reminder of how I am really not the athlete. Stay in shape and work out? Okay. Up for trying most things as long as my health, safety and well being are not in danger? Sure. So golf seems pretty safe. And, it was. The thing is, when there are cameras rolling, the pressure’s on just a little bit. I have golfed. Maybe once every few years. Not really golfed, but hit the sticks at the driving range. So, I’m always pretty rusty.

But, we wanted to showcase Tina’s teaching abilities, so I was a willing student. At Santaluz, Tina was extremely patient and helpful in teaching me a few things about my stance, holding the club and just “handing the club back at her, then letting it go.” I actually hit the ball about 70 yards by my third or fourth whack. That got a high-five from Tina, and I figured, I’d quit while I was ahead. Maybe I’ll let her teach me more another time. You’ll see a little bit of that, her teaching some “serious” students, and a whole lot more in the show.

A few weeks later when we were out at Santaluz again with Tina, Tim and Phil, I watched Phil in awe as he hit a ball probably 300 yards or so. Incredible. I was driving the cart and when he came over to get a club, the conversation between Phil, Tina and me went like this:
Jane Well, Tina taught me and I hit it about 70 yards. She thought I was pretty good.
Tina: She is a good student.
Phil: She was just being nice! (laughs)
Tina: Welcome to my world! (to Phil: No, really, she has an athletic swing.)
They both chuckled.

That was nice of Tina. I do need more practice, but it’s not my passion, so might be another year before I attempt. We’ll see.

What’s good about being the producer of my show? I get to decide if you see the good swings or the bad swings! Okay, there’s a little of both. My editor, Dan Roper, made it all come together nicely. But, this One on One is really about Tina and her story. So, reporter participation was at a minimum.

Enjoy the show – hackers and pros alike! Oh, and we went to Chula Vista Fire Station #4 to see her handsome husband at work, too. Something for everyone! Look for replays, too.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Mickelsons + Me = Par 4 the Course!

This fall I’ve been working on a One on One featuring Tina Mickelson. Yes, big sister to international golf star Phil Mickelson and Tim, the golf coach at USD. It debuts November 18th @ 6:30 before the live USD basketball game on Channel 4 San Diego.

I interviewed her parents at the home where the kids grew up, and it seemed like a natural to interview her brothers, too. Phil doesn’t do many TV interviews away from tournaments, especially local. But, with their schedules and my schedule, even if they said yes, how would we get it done? Tina was a gem. She picked a day that would in theory work for us all; the day Tim was returning from a golf trip and a few days before Phil was heading to China. And just before I took a little vacation, she confirmed that they said yes and they’d be there at 4pm on the 28th to play a hole and sit down with me. So, I had vacation and something to look forward to.

Tuesday, the crew and I arrived at The Santaluz Golf Club in plenty of time to set up in their library… not for a One on ONE, but a One on THREE! Tina arrived early at 3:30 and said she’d been reminding her brothers with text messages, but you still never know. Sure enough, at 3:55 they came walking up in their golf attire just as nice and friendly as could be. Phil’s first questions to me: “so what’s this about? What’s this for?” I said it was for my show featuring Tina… and her story and the brothers are part of her story. Great… let’s do it.

For as many famous baseball and football players I’ve met, Phil rates as a pretty big deal considering his international stature. After only seeing him on TV playing with the likes of Tiger Woods, I admit, I might have seemed calm on the outside, but my heart palpitated a little bit. This was a pretty cool thing – to know that this came about first because I wanted to feature Tina (who I think is a remarkable woman,) and secondly, because we’d be able to showcase the whole Mickelson family.

Tina, Phil and Tim walked the course. My associate producer Michelle, intern Casey, and I drove the carts while photographers Dan Roper, Michael Spaulding and Paul Gugliotti followed them along to capture their conversations and get great shots. After Phil hit his ball some ridiculously long distance, I shared that Tina had given me a lesson and I hit a ball 70 yards! Tina said I did well. Phil laughed saying, “she was just being nice.” Well, we all have to start somewhere.

At the end of the hole, I wanted to take a picture of them and noticed how teeny-tiny Tina is next to her brothers. Phil, again, was witty and teasing me with “oh, you got to pull out the fat jokes, huh?” Of course not! It’s just interesting how three siblings can look so different. Short, tall, broad, small -- yet all swing a mean club. Wow.

We spent a total of an hour and 20 minutes with them between the course and a 30-minute sit-down interview. The first time ever that the three of them had been interviewed together. They were funny, cordial, sincere, reflective and professional. Tina said Phil’s never sat that long for an interview and she is very appreciative of that. And so am I. Thanks to Tina and the whole Mickelson family. I think you’ll enjoy getting to know them, too.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

As I post this on Oct. 21, it would have been my father’s 89th birthday. He never wanted anything elaborate. Just his family and maybe mom’s Celebration Chicken and Apricot-Lemon cake for his birthday dinner. It’s been nearly15 years since he died January 8, 1994… of ALS… also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. He was a fighter. A man of courage with a gentle heart and welcoming smile… all the way to the end. He raised his children with a phrase he coined in the Navy… “Don’t wait. Anticipate.” It served him and us well.

I had moved home from Tulsa to help my mom and family care for my dad in 1991, but it took several years after he passed away to feel ready to help others dealing with ALS. In 2002, after we all were affected by 9/11, I felt compelled to do something to help my community and those with this devastating, degenerative fatal disease. Turns out the San Diego Chapter of the ALS Association was just being formed. I figured with my work at Channel 4, my relationship with the Padres and just my life experience caring for my father, I had something to offer. And after the first meeting, I was elected to the board and the work has been a labor of love… in honor of my dad who fought in three wars but couldn’t beat ALS. For me, and my family, volunteering for the chapter is part of my father’s legacy.

That brings me to Sunday October 19th. For the 7th year, bright and early Sunday morning, families, friends and supporters put on their walking shoes, grabbed a cup of coffee, and filled the grassy area at De Anza Cove for the Walk to Defeat ALS. For several months, our Board, the small but mighty staff and volunteers plan for this day. The logistics. The city permits. The registration. The t-shirt count for the 100 or so teams. But every year… at about 7:30… even when I know what to expect, I get a lump in my throat as I take the Mission Bay exit and see the parking lot filling up… the people gathering with their teams, their signs, their PALS… Persons with ALS.

About 1500 people turned out. About the same as last year, but the crowd seemed even more energized. More determined. More hopeful. Perhaps it’s because those of us in the ALS community are seeing that more people are paying attention to this disease. From the government to science to mainstream media and even Hollywood. We received great coverage in advance and on the day from various folks in the San Diego media – and we’re so grateful. I don’t want to leave anyone out, but CW San Diego 6, Fox 5, the Union-Tribune and my good friends at Double X Radio. And I produced a few stories through the Padres season and last week too on Channel 4. It’s nice to know spreading the word transcends broadcasting party lines.

As I emcee the event, my favorite part is reading all the team names… from ALS Busters… to ALS (still) Sucks… to Bobby’s Angels… and my team Wally’s Walkers. A-Z… each team represents people who know and love someone with or who had ALS. Or, they just want to help. Everyone has a story, and that day they share it with their old and new friends by just being there… or with the display of photos of those who have passed.

My mom (84 and with a new hip!) my brother and his son, my boss and her children, my sister and kids, and several special friends made it out for the day. And many others contributed as virtual walkers and I thank them all.

The clouds cleared and the sun broke through again for us this year. Despite what some are dealing with… with the disease… with the economy… whatever their worries… this was a day that we DEFEATED ALS… with smiles, a few tears, and hope. And the funds we raise allow us to keep serving others with ALS here in the Greater San Diego area.

If you missed the Walk and still want to contribute to the cause… the Walk season continues through the end of the year. Go to the website for info.
Whether you send a check or just spread the word… I hope hearing about this will inspire you to learn more about ALS. Or, maybe it will inspire you to work for a cause close to your heart. So… just do it. You’ll be glad you did.

Oh… and Happy Birthday Dad. You were such a gift to the world and to me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Join me to Walk to Defeat ALS Sunday October 19

While my new blog will focus mainly on One on One related subjects and all the fun stuff that goes along with the guys we love to get to know… the first entry is about a cause that’s close to my heart. This Sunday morning October 19th is the Walk to Defeat ALS. ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. My father died of this in 1994.

I’ve been involved in the local chapter since its beginning in 2002. A key mission is to help people with ALS and their families. If you’d like to help, please go to the website at and click on the Walk to Defeat logo. You can form or join a team. If you can’t make it, be a Virtual Walker with a donation. Join my team if you like… Wally’s Walkers… in honor of my dad. I’d love to have you part of the effort. Donations are accepted year round.

I have more I’d like to share about my dad and his influence even on my approach to One on One… but I’ll save that for another time.

I’m blessed to be in a position to not only help those with ALS, but to overlap those efforts with the support of some key groups: my employer Cox Communications has sponsored the Walk since year one and allows me to do features for Channel 4’s pre-game and Postgame shows; the San Diego Padres help raise awareness through Lou Gehrig Night at PETCO Park and sponsors the Walk; and players have offered their name and visibility to the Chapter…. specifically Mark Loretta, Scott Linebrink and Randy Wolf. They might not be Padres anymore, but their partnership has been important in raising funds and awareness.

I’ve done a number of features linking ALS, baseball and the community and October 16th on Postgame at 10pm you’ll meet Robert Tierney who, as a kid, played baseball with Lou Gehrig back in 1939. Ironically, Mr. Tierney’s wife would later die of ALS, too. His message at 85 years old? Live life every day as a gift.