I’ve heard Quentin Jammer’s name for a few years – not just for being a Charger, but for being a good guy. Turns out that’s all true. When we were deciding whicih Chargers to feature this year for my two Charger One on One shows, his name surfaced at the top and I’m glad it did.
Quentin (pronounced quin-tin… just ignore the “e”) is a cool, smooth and unexpectedly funny guy. I met him last year at Junior Seau’s Shop with a Jock event, then for about five minutes at the Chargers locker room, before showing up at his house to interview him and his wife Alicia.
The crew rearranged the living room for our three cameras and he sat down ready and open to talk. I had heard he was quiet, but I was pleasantly surprised how much he talked, opened up, and how he was both serious and thoughtful as well as funny. Not in a ha-ha kind of way, but just in a genuinely nice kind of way that you just want to smile when you hear about his joys and accomplishments and even how he has dealt with criticisms in the past.
He did not shy away from hearing about those criticisms during his first few years in the NFL for his high penalties and pass interference calls, nor was he defensive about it. Rather, he just explained why he worked hard to change things – and some of his reasons will surprise you.
I think I had the most “fun” with him at his house, when we went to his backyard with his wife and three boys. He was laughing throughout as he’s holding the baby or throwing a football to the older ones. To watch them all play and laugh as a family, was so inspiring. Here’s a guy who came from some tough circumstances in Angleton, Texas, raised by a single mom, and he truly is breaking the cycle. We also had fun when photographer Michael Spaulding and I went over to the driving range with him. I wish we could have used more of that in the show. Quentin was just so at ease with chatting and taking a few swings and saying he didn’t want to talk about his golf handicap on television, but that he hopes to make under 80 someday to which I said, oh, on the front nine!
If you want to know more about his good works in the community, check out their website at www.jammerfoundation.org
He might be from Texas, but Quentin Jammer should make San Diegans proud.
I hope you enjoy the show!