Friday, November 14, 2008

Swinging - sort of -- with a Pro!

Tuesday November 18th an all new One on One debuts @ 6:30 on Channel 4… right before the live USD basketball game. Great time and place, as there are two USD connections: Tina Mickelson, the star of this edition, is a USD grad. And her brother Tim, also featured, is the USD Golf coach! Oh, and their brother Phil is part of a very special part – an interview with the three Mickelson siblings. More on that on my previous blog entry.

This entry is, once again, a reminder of how I am really not the athlete. Stay in shape and work out? Okay. Up for trying most things as long as my health, safety and well being are not in danger? Sure. So golf seems pretty safe. And, it was. The thing is, when there are cameras rolling, the pressure’s on just a little bit. I have golfed. Maybe once every few years. Not really golfed, but hit the sticks at the driving range. So, I’m always pretty rusty.

But, we wanted to showcase Tina’s teaching abilities, so I was a willing student. At Santaluz, Tina was extremely patient and helpful in teaching me a few things about my stance, holding the club and just “handing the club back at her, then letting it go.” I actually hit the ball about 70 yards by my third or fourth whack. That got a high-five from Tina, and I figured, I’d quit while I was ahead. Maybe I’ll let her teach me more another time. You’ll see a little bit of that, her teaching some “serious” students, and a whole lot more in the show.

A few weeks later when we were out at Santaluz again with Tina, Tim and Phil, I watched Phil in awe as he hit a ball probably 300 yards or so. Incredible. I was driving the cart and when he came over to get a club, the conversation between Phil, Tina and me went like this:
Jane Well, Tina taught me and I hit it about 70 yards. She thought I was pretty good.
Tina: She is a good student.
Phil: She was just being nice! (laughs)
Tina: Welcome to my world! (to Phil: No, really, she has an athletic swing.)
They both chuckled.

That was nice of Tina. I do need more practice, but it’s not my passion, so might be another year before I attempt. We’ll see.

What’s good about being the producer of my show? I get to decide if you see the good swings or the bad swings! Okay, there’s a little of both. My editor, Dan Roper, made it all come together nicely. But, this One on One is really about Tina and her story. So, reporter participation was at a minimum.

Enjoy the show – hackers and pros alike! Oh, and we went to Chula Vista Fire Station #4 to see her handsome husband at work, too. Something for everyone! Look for replays, too.